Why should we stay fixed?
A very important question, asked in an instagram poll by ichoosebtq_pr and we wanted to create our second article talking about it.
I loved developing this writing since it is something that we all must do, in my case and I know that most of us is something that fascinates us and of course that in those days of seeing ourselves dressed up, we also want days of comfort.
That's why I want to share with you 4 reasons to keep ourselves fixed, even if it's at home.
1- In the first point you will feel more sure of yourself, now and always. You will be able to perform the tasks of the day with more enthusiasm.
2- It helps us maintain high self-esteem, as well as being ready for things that arise at the moment or as planned.
3- Being a woman who stands out either by maintaining a defined style and personal arrangement.
4- According to statistics, being on the networks is the newest thing in this century, if this is your case and you like to take a selfie or create videos, you should be on point at all times.
Complement the 4 reasons, here are some ideas:
1- I recommend you take time for yourself, whether it's getting ready, relaxing or meditating. This will help to be more focused on what you are going to do that you will want to fix yourself much more. Here you can incorporate a skin , hair or body care routine.
2- Organize your closet either by color and style ; this way you can have more time in the morning to get better. I love this part is the most feasible to have outfits ready daily, be it for work or unforeseen events that arise.
3- Sometimes we have the accessories area mixed up and disorganized. I recommend that you organize them by your favourites, those from events, those from work and/or from the newspaper in order to have everything more accessible when it comes to getting ready.
4- A very ingenious idea that has worked for me is to take a reasonable time of some 20 minutes one day a week to create outfits for the week. In this way you will have them ready for when you get up for work , university or right now that we are at home you decide to fix yourself.
How can we create a diverse image for the newspaper, an event, work or to be at home. I advise you to be aware of the season in which it is about to arrive; This way you will be prepared and you will have in your closet, clothes , accessories , footwear and handbags of styles in season.
The season we are in is spring-summer so you can create comfortable outfits to be at home and always look groomed.
Some ideas for outfits focused on the season and the news of the quarantine I suggest you add short dresses , rompers and shorts to your wardrobe.
To create combinations of the aforementioned pieces, choose slip-on shoes , tie at the ankle and/or a medium-high platform with a raffia style to provide a more summery image.
The weather right now is very favorable for having natural or wavy hair, so when you sweat it will stay the same; use headbands or clips with trendy designs to make your hair look different; If you do your hair dry or with an updo, add fancy earrings so that they are the protagonist on your face.
For the most comfortable outfits at the moment when the most visited place is the market, I recommend using a waist bag , a wrist bag or a back bag .